biblical restoration ministries


January, 2011

A word from the Word - January

A New Year, A New Start

Hosea 14:4,7,8


Hosea by the inspiration of God gives us three directions for a new start.


1. The Lord will heal me of my faithlessness. In order to have a new start I need to ask God’s forgiveness for my lack of faith this past year.

2. My people will live again under my shade. This brings to mind Psalm 91 abiding under God’s shadow. To abide under someone’s shadow means I need to draw close. James says in chapter 4:8 draw close to God and He will draw close to you. Verse 8 says it’s your move.

3. God says I’m the one who answers your prayers and cares for you. I need to strengthen my prayer life this year and keep a record of how God has answered prayer. Remember God cares! A Wycliffe translator in Guatamala translated 1 Peter 5:7 in this way, “What concerns you concerns God.” Isn’t that a blessing!



Three watch words for this New Year: Faith, Abide, and Prayer




“In prayer have we learned the wonderful power of the phrase “boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus?” It means that we can talk to God as Jesus Christ did, but only through the right of His atonement. We must never allow the idea that because we have been obedient, because our need is great, because we long for it, therefore God will hear us. There is only one way into the Holiest, and that is by the blood of Jesus.” Oswald Chambers on Prayer Oswald Chambers


Reflective Question:


When was the last time I tried to see an issue from God’s perspective rather than ask Him to see it from Mine?


Book worth reading:


The Bible and the Land by Gary Burge Phd, a professor of new testament at Wheaton College, a Zondervan Publishing, 2009.


This beautiful illustrated book explores a series of primary cultural motifs that contribute to the ancient biblical worldview. You will uncover the ancient culture, discover hidden meanings for such questions as:

1. Why is the Holy Land a testing ground for faith?

2. Why did God put Israel in a dangerous wilderness?

3. What is a desert shepherd?


This book was one of the favorites among the students at the International Ministerial Institute. I believe you will have a hard time putting it down.


Sincerely in Christ,


Jim and Marguerite Logan



What's New?

A new section of (Thinking) Handouts has been uploaded to

The following is the list of handouts in this section:

* Do you hear what you are thinking?

* The Battle for the Mind

* The Christian and His Mind

* Thought Control

*Renewing the Mind

*How to Renew your Mind

*Daily Discipline for Renewing your Mind

*Taking charge of our thinking