biblical restoration ministries


February, 2011

A word from the Word - February

“Set your mind and heart to seek the Lord your God.” (1 Chronicles 22:19) “God gave direction to His servants, begin each day with thanksgiving and praising the Lord and at the end of the day look back with thanksgiving and praise Him.” (1 Chronicles 23:30)


“When we live in the secret place it becomes impossible for us to doubt God. We become more sure of Him than anything else. Your Father, Jesus says, is in secret and  nowhere else. Enter the secret place, and right in the center of the common round you find God there all the time.” Oswald Chambers on Prayer Oswald Chambers


Reflective Question:

What keeps me from exercising the wonderful privilege of prayer?


Book worth reading:

Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secrets by Dr. & Mrs. Howard Taylor.


This is one of the books that had a profound influence on my life’s journey of faith. I had all the freshmen read this book so they could see God’s journey of faith for Hudson Taylor. Taylor gave birth to a faith ministry that has trusted God for provision for over one hundred years. If you have read it, then read it again. It will warm your heart.


What’s New:

Secret Closet

A Call to the Secret Place

In the Secret Place with God

The Secret Place Scripture Prayer



Sincerely in Christ,


Jim and Marguerite Logan